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Driven by Data

Use the right tool for the right task. Access a portfolio of seismic inversion functions designed to solve specific problems with specific input requirements. Use machine learning and geostatistical tools to deeply integrate disciplines and solve complex multi-variate challenges.

Guided Reservoir Characterization

Guided Reservoir Characterization

Make robust predictions of fluid distributions, rock properties, and subsurface architecture from seismic data by leveraging knowledge from well-based rock physics analyses. Analyze, explore, and quantify data uncertainty and geological uncertainty.

Multidisciplinary Prediction

Accurately predict subsurface properties using engineering, geological, and geophysical data. Better understand production and injection effects via calibrated models and integrating algorithms. Easily visualize your results in RokDoc to support drilling and data acquisition decisions.

Multidisciplinary Prediction
Propagate 1D Models into 2D/3D/4D

Propagate 1D Models into 2D/3D/4D

Increase revenue by understanding subsurface subtleties and avoiding hazards. Leverage well data understanding to validate and calibrate seismic models. Geostatistical, trend, facies, and lithology-based methods are utilized in RokDoc to predict properties, rank prospects, and assess potential risks to deliver accurate 1D, 2D, 3D and 4D models.

Confidence in Prediction

Rank, quantify, and document geological probability of success using Ji-Fi and multi-realization analysis functions. RokDoc provides stochastic and multi-scenario calculators and inversion tools to fully explore possible geological scenarios. Meet deadlines and manage time constraints with critical functions deployed across cloud, cluster, HPC and standalone workstations.

RokDoc Modules

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