Case Studies

Drop Bear Case Study – Ikon Science Approach

Ikon Science and Searcher Seismic Collaborate to Add Value to Multi-client Dataset – Drop Bear Ultracube™

The Challenge
Fast Track Characterisation of Drop Bear Seismic Survey Leverage sparse information to characterise regional 3D multi-client dataset, NWS Australia. Predict the presence and distribution of hydrocarbon at all available well locations. Deliver full suite of inversion products using extremely limited data.
– Only 2 wells containing elastic log suites
– Complex mixed clastic-carbonate geology
– Targets spread across multiple stratigraphic intervals

Our Approach
Joint Impedance and Facies Inversion (Ji-Fi)
Ji-Fi was applied to the Drop Bear 3D seismic Survey offshore NWS and was able to leverage the sparse information available to produce facies volumes and elastic properties which honoured all the available well calibration locations.
Ji-Fi has identified a number of new leads in the exploration acreage and correctly predicted the presence and thickness of the gas column at Pyxis.

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