How Disruptive Technologies are Opening up our Data Workflows
The utilization of data in energy operators has fundamentally changed in the past 10 years with the proliferation of data science teams and workflows. On-demand access of data has never been a more pressing requirement across business and asset teams. However, as the use cases have changed the fundamental data management processes that procure, cleanse and distribute this information have not kept pace.
Reductions in resources mean that data management teams have become bottlenecks in some cases for data distribution, with labor intensive data transformation workflows slowing the flow of data from vendor to consumer. Interacting with data from a user standpoint is also radically different in the energy space than in the rest of our lives. In a world where knowledge and insights are available instantly from the likes of Google Maps, ChatGPT or Alexa, common data workflows in the Energy space still rely on recalling data from complex and fixed data models.
In this presentation, Chris shares how recent technological developments such as Generative AI, Machine Learning and Data APIs can empower both data management and business asset users in the handling and utilization of data in the energy space.